I graduated from Lancaster University in 2015, completing an MSci in Mathematics. I mostly enjoyed the algebra and statistics courses in my degree, the latter of which attracted me to the STOR-i programme, which I first came across on an open day during the third year of my degree. That summer I worked for an actuarial company in Liverpool, which gave me excellent experience of working in a team and solving real life problems. I then applied for the STOR-i programme in September 2014.
My PhD project involves identifying optimal strategies for finding an object hidden on a network structure where there are two possible search speeds. One application is a bomb squad looking for a bomb hidden somewhere on a series of roads. The squad can choose to traverse a road either quickly in a vehicle, or slowly on foot. The project is in collaboration with the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California; from which I attain supervision from Kyle Lin. My other supervisors, from Lancaster University, are Kevin Glazebrook, Peter Jacko and Chris Kirkbride.
Homepage: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/pg/clarkson/