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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Jenni Hyde supervises 1 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Jenni Hyde

Lecturer in Early Modern History, Associate Lecturer

Jenni Hyde

Bowland College



Research overview

Research overview

I work mainly on Tudor and Stuart history, and in particular, sixteenth-century ballads in print, manuscript and the oral tradition.  My current research investigates the ballads associated with the Pilgrimage of Grace.  I’m also beginning research into the links between sixteenth-century ballads, psalms and epitaphs, as well as some work on Fake News or Fact in Topical Ballads, and the ballads of the Armada period.  I am preparing a large-scale grant application for a project on popular beliefs about health and wellbeing.

Current Teaching

I convene Hist235: Making Modern Britain c1660-1720 .

I supervise a wide range of dissertations from medieval topics, through early modern to modern.

I also teach on

  • Hist100: From Ancient to Modern: History and Historians 
  • Hist102: Reform, Rebellion and Reason: Britain, 1500-1800
  • Hist250: Making History: Sources, Contexts, Publics
  • Hist421: History Beyond the Text


I am a qualified teacher with a PGCE in secondary music as well as an undergraduate degree and PhD in history.

I am a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

Web Links

My personal website can be found at https://earlymodernballads.wordpress.com/

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