I am a qualified and registered social worker with a background in mental health. I have taught on pre- and post-qualifying social work programmes at the University of Nottingham, Lancaster University and the University of Cumbria. I have a strong interest in mental health in a higher education context, and – in conjunction with five subject centres of the Higher Education Academy - set up the Mental Health in Higher Education project and its associated website and discussion list.
I have a first degree in English and a PhD in Educational Research. I have worked with Researching Equity, Access and Participation in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster, and am an associate member of the Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing in Education. I previously worked as a Problem Based Learning facilitator in the school of medicine at Lancaster University.
I co-facilitate Critical and Creative Approaches to Mental Health Practice, a discussion group which meets regularly in Lancaster. I am a member of the editorial collective of Asylum: the radical mental health magazine. I live in Lancaster, where I am a trustee for Lancaster and District Voluntary and Community Solutions. I have an interest in the expressive arts, and their use in teaching.
Research interests: I am interested in how learning about mental health and distress can be fostered; links between learning and teaching about mental health and the wellbeing of students; survivor led research and its influence in education; service user and carer engagement in professional education and social work in the third sector.
Teaching:I contribute to the Social Work Practice module on the BA in social work, to our postqualifying provision, and to the development of service user and carer involvement in our programmes. I have previously convened the mental health modules on the BA and MA programmes.
Academia edu
I am interested in how learning about mental health (and not just mental ill-health) can be fostered; social justice; public engagement in education; academic development; and third sector social work.
Peer reviewed publications
May-Chahal, C., Wilson, A., Humphreys, L. & Anderson, J. (2012), Promoting an Evidence-Informed Approach to Addressing Problem Gambling in UK Prison Populations, The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 51(4), 372-386
Anderson, J. & Burgess, H. (2009) Essential Shared Capabilities for the Whole of the Mental Health Workforce: Bringing educators into the frame, Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 4(3), 21-29
Dogra, N., Cavendish, S., Anderson, J. & Edwards, R. (2009) Service user perspectives on the content of the undergraduate curriculum in psychiatry, The Psychiatrist, 33, 260-264
Dogra, N., Anderson, J., Edwards, R. & Cavendish, S. (2008) Service user perspectives on their roles in undergraduate medical training about mental health, Medical Teacher 30(6), 152-156
Harper, D., Cromby, J., Reavey, P., Cooke, A. & Anderson, J. (2007) Don't jump ship! New approaches in teaching mental health to undergraduates, The Psychologist, 20 (5), 302-304
Basset, T., Campbell, P. & Anderson, J. (2006) Service user/survivor involvement in mental health education and training: overcoming the barriers, Social Work Education, 25(4), 393-402
Tew, J. & Anderson, J. (2004) The mental health component of the new degree in social work - starting a debate, Social Work Education, 23 (2), 231-240
Anderson, J. & Brady, P. (2002) Increasing the depth of field: the Voluntary Sector Pathway, Social Work Education 21(2), 233-345.
Book chapters
Anderson, J. & Holmshaw, J. (2012). Lifelong learning, mental health and higher education: a UK focus. In: P. Ryan, S. Ramon & T. Greacen (eds) Empowerment, Lifelong Learning and Recovery in Mental Health. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN No: 978-0-2302928-5-7
Anderson, J. & Burgess, H. (2007) Educators Learning Together: linking communities of practice, ch 10 in Stickley, T. & Basset, T. (eds) Teaching and Learning about Mental Health, Chichester: Wiley
Anderson J. (2003) Keeping in Touch, Mental Health Today, September, 24-26
Non-refereed papers
Tang, L. & Anderson, J. (2008) Building a Community of Practice: the Mental Health in Higher Education Website, Health Information on the Internet, 65(1): 3-5
Anderson J. (2003) Keeping in Touch, Mental Health Today, September, 24-26
Anderson, J., Sapey, B. & Spandler, H (2012) Distress or Disability: procedings of a symposium held at Lancaster University, 15-16 November. Lancaster: Lancaster University Centre for Disability Research. ISBN: 978-1-86220-293-1
Anderson, J. & Sapey, B. (2011) Curriculum guide: mental health and distress, London: College of Social Work.
Anderson, J. & Penson, B. (2011) Burning Issues in Learning and Teaching about Mental Health: Occasional Paper 13. London: Higher Education Academy Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre. ISBN No: 978-0-9556343-7-6
Anderson, J. & Burgess, H. (2011) Developing emotional intelligence, resilience and skills for maintaining personal wellbeing in students of health and social care, Resource Guide, Southampton: SWAP and mhhe
Burgess, H., Anderson, J. & Westerby, N. (2009) Promoting Mental Wellbeing in the Curriculum, e-bulletins on Inclusive Practice, York: Higher Education Academy.
Essen, C., Anderson, J., Clark, M., Cook, J., Edwards, L., Fox, L., Light, I., MacMahon, A., Malihi-Shoja, L., Patel, R., Samociuk, S., Simpson, A., Tang, L., Westerby, N. (2009) Involving Service Users and Carers in Education: The Development Worker Role: Guidelines for Higher Education Institutions. Lancaster, Mental Health in Higher Education.
Simmill-Binning, C., Pearson, J., Norris, A., Wilson, A. & Anderson, J. (2007) Daring to Damage: an investigation of young people’s motivations to commit acts of criminal damage in the North West of England, Lancaster: Applied Social Sciences Unit for Evaluation.
Anderson, J, Browning, T., Cook, M. and Kelly, D. (2001) Partnership working in North and West Primary Care Group, Nottingham: Nottingham Community Health NHS Trust
Anderson, J., Bunker, J., Collingwood, S. & Prest, S. (1996) Opportunities for Women within RCCS: A research study, Nottingham: Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust