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Oliver Fitton supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Oliver Fitton

Lecturer in Criminology, Research Student

Oliver Fitton

Bowland North



Research overview

I focus on the challenges and opportunities that new technologies create for policing. I am a former police officer: a qualified Detective Constable, Tier Three Witness Interviewer, Specialist Child Abuse Investigator, and Digital Media Investigator. As a result, I am driven to deliver teaching and research that has a tangible impact on criminal investigations and the protection of the public.


My research including my PhD thesis has focused on the ways in which we think about emerging threats and mobilise responses to those threats. I have published work on maritime cyber security, mobile technologies, and the Gray Zone between war and peace.


MA International Relations (2013) Lancaster University

BA (Hons) Politics with International Relations (2011) Lancaster University

Current Research

Thesis: Is there an alternative to Gray Zone geopolitics? A constant comparative analysis of the documents that reimagined the world in black, white, and gray. 

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