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Professor Richard Carter

Emeritus Professor

Richard Carter

Engineering Building



Tel: +44 1524 593088

Research Interests

Richard Carter graduated in physics from the University of Cambridge in 1965 and received his PhD in electronic engineering from the University of Wales in 1968. From 1968 to 1972 he worked on high power travelling-wave tubes as a Development Engineer at English Electric Valve Co. Ltd. He joined the Engineering Department of the University of Lancaster as a Lecturer in 1972 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1986 and Professor of Electronic Engineering in 1996. He was appointed Professor Emeritus on his retirement in 2009. His research interests include electromagnetics and microwave engineering with particular reference to the theory, design and computer modelling of microwave tubes and particle accelerators. He is the author of over 70 technical papers in the field together with two textbooks on electromagnetics and a number of papers on engineering education. His international standing in his field was recognized by the IVEC 2009 Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics at the IEEE Tenth International Vacuum Electronics Conference in Rome. This prestigious award was made, â??For a life-long commitment to education in vacuum electronics and visionary leadership in academia and technical research in the field.â? It recognizes the international impact of Professor Carterâ??s work over a period of thirty years. His insight and comprehension of the complex mechanisms of vacuum electronics, together with a rare aptitude for synthesis and explanation, have resulted in a widely recognized influence on the way many former students, researchers and people who have attended his lectures think about the theory and modelling of microwave tubes. His lectures, delivered in eight countries, three continents, and in video recordings, have been an invaluable source of knowledge within the international vacuum electronics and particle accelerator communities. Nearly fifty people have worked with him as research fellows, research assistants and research students over his career. Several of these people now hold leading positions: two are laboratory directors and three head major research groups in the USA, China and India. Professor Carterâ??s breadth of expertise is demonstrated by innovative contributions on: modelling of helix, coupled-cavity, folded waveguide and other slow-wave structures for travelling-wave tubes (TWTs) with particular emphasis on equivalent circuit definition, performance improvements and large signal aspects; design and simulation of strapped magnetron anodes; beam-wave interaction in klystrons and multi-beam klystrons; and development of methods of cold-test measurement for components used in microwave tubes. He was responsible for developing or overseeing the development of computer codes for large-signal modelling of TWTs and klystrons in the UK. His contributions have been embodied in computer codes that are used in UK, European, and Indian companies and research laboratories for computer aided design of microwave tubes. He is an IEEE Electron Devices Society Distinguished Lecturer and has been a member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society Technical Committee on Vacuum Electronics since its formation in 1998. Richard Carter was influential in the formation of the Faraday Partnership in High Power Radio-Frequency Engineering in 2001 and the Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology in 2004. His research has involved collaborations with many organisations both in Britain and overseas including: Britain: EEV Ltd (now e2v technologies); Philips Radiotherapy Systems (now Elekta); TMD Technologies. France: Thales Electron Devices. Netherlands: ESTEC. Switzerland: CERN. China: Beijing Vacuum Electronic Research Institute, Beijing Medical Equipment Institute, Southeast University, Nanjing. India: CEERI, Pilani; Banaras Hindu University. His other professional activities have included service on a number of committees of the IEE (now the IET) and on the committee of the Engineering Professorsâ?? Conference. He was responsible for the development of an innovative industrially-linked undergraduate course in Physical Electronic Engineering and of an innovative and highly successful industrially-based MSc course in Engineering Project Management. Since his retirement Richard Carter has continued to be active in teaching, research and publication in his field. He is married with four sons (one deceased in 1998) and two granddaughters. He enjoys making music and is an active member of Lancaster Priory and Parish Church.

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