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Scott Henderson

Research student

Scott Henderson

Lancaster University

Physics Building



Office Hours:

A521, 9am-5pm

Research overview

My research looks at the properties of superfluid helium 4 using mechanical oscillating devices. Most recently researching the applications of quartz tuning forks and capacitively driven carbon nanotubes.


Research Academy Prize - Issued by Lancaster University Physics Department. Given to a student for "an outstanding MPhys Research Project" for research on "nonlinear micro-tuning fork oscillators and quantum turbulence within superfluid helium 4". (£100)
The PLACE Conference Prize - Issued by Lancaster University Physics Department. Given to a student for "an excellent MPhys Research Project Presentation" on the topic of "nonlinear micro-tuning fork oscillators and quantum turbulence within superfluid helium 4". (£25)
Lancaster Excellence Scholarship - Issued by Lancaster University. Awarded to Lancaster University applicants who have strong academic profiles in terms of existing qualifications and predicted grades at the point of application. (£1,000)
Lancaster Scholarship - Issued by Lancaster University. For academic excellence at A-level. (£4,000)

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