Simon Batterbury, Visiting Professor in Sociology. I was the inaugural Chair in Political Ecology at LEC, 2017-19. My ongoing job is Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Melbourne, Australia Interests are broad: how people sustain livelihoods and their identities in adverse environmental, political and social conditions. I'm most interested in environmental justice and struggles in New Caledonia-Kanaky, and international development issues led by social science investigations and the exciting interdisciplinary and multi-scalar field of political ecology, where Lancaster has particular strengths. At Lancaster I have a British Academy fellowship to study the social and environmental contributions of community bike workshops.
I formerly worked on agricultural futures, rural development, 'desertification' and soil and water conservation in the West African Sahel.
I have worked collaboratively and across disciplines for 30 years, latterly with a fantastic PhD group, that has had 18 PhD and 51 Masters and Honours graduates.
As a commitment to Open Access publishing, I have co-edited the flagship Journal of Political Ecology since 2003 ( - free to authors and readers) and I curate a listing of reputable OA journals that are free or affordable in geography, anthropology, planning, environmental studies and the social sciences.
I studied human and environmental geography (BA Hons. Reading University, 1985; MA and PhD Clark University USA, 1990/1997). I have lectured in human geography and development studies, at Brunel University (1993-1999), the LSE (1999-2001), the University of Arizona (2001-2004), and most recently Environmental Studies at the University of Melbourne (2004-2016, 2019->), with fellowships at Colorado, Roskilde, Oxford (ECI) and VUB (Cosmopolis).
Further information and cv is available at, publications in English and French since 1993 are linked here, and general ruminations are at I'm on Researchgate and Academia.