Home > Research > Researchers > Zhiguo Ding


Professor Zhiguo Ding

Formerly at Lancaster University


Personal website:



Research overview

  1. 5G communications
  2. Information theory and physical layer security
  3. Localization, channel estimation and equalization
  4. Cross-layer design and throughput analysis for wireless sensor networks
  5. Multiple-input multiple-output systems, multicarrier and cooperative wireless systems

Professional Role

Editor of

  1. IEEE Transactions on Communications (2014-present)
  2. IEEE Wireless Communication Letters (2013-present)
  3. IEEE Communication Letters (2013-present)
  4. Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing(2010-present)

Co-Organizer of WCNC-2013 Workshop on New Advances for Physical Layer Network Coding.

Plenary talk at AICWC-2013 and 2014; invited papers at EUSIPCO 2014, ICCS 2014, WCSP 2014, CHINACOM 2010&2013, HWMC 2012.

Technical program committee: GLOBECOM 2013-2015, ICC 2009&2014, WCSP 2013-2014, VTC2011-2014, ICCC 2013-2014, ICCS-2014, WiMob-2014, EUSIPCO 2009-2014, ICCVE 2013, VNC-2010-2012, CHINACOM2010-2013ISWPC-2008, AccessNets 2008.

Regular reviewer for: IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, IEEE Comm. Letter, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, IET Proceeding in Communication, IET Proceeding in Signal Processing

External PhD examiner at Edinburgh University, Strathclyde University, Lancaster University, Queen Mary, University of London, Aston University, York University, COMSAT(Pakistan), Manchester, Leeds, Kent.

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