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Dr Zhongming Zhang

International Lecturer in Electronic Engineering

Zhongming Zhang

Engineering Building




Dr Zhongming Zhang is an International Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Electronic Engineering at Lancaster University. 

Dr Zhang's research focuses on developing neutron detectors for extreme detection environments. Besides, because extreme situations can cause intense signal noise and severely affect pulse, how to analyse signals in extreme environments is another aspect of his research.

Research Interests

Monte Carlo simulation, Neutron detection, Semiconductor neutron detectors.

Career Details

International Lecturer in Electronic Engineering, August 2024- present.


Details: Lancaster University, Engineering Department.


I am teaching three undergraduate modules at the LUC-BJTU institute for the Electronics and Communications Engineering degree programme.


Teaching Assistant in Digital Engineering (LUC-BJTU), September 2019- 2024.


Details: Lancaster University, Engineering Department.


Lancaster University College at Beijing Jiaotong University (LUC-BJTU) is a joint institute established near Weihai, Shandong province, China.


I currently am a teaching assistant for three undergraduate modules at the LUC-BJTU institute for the Electronics and Communications Engineering degree programme.


Research and Development Engineer, March 2019-May 2019.


Details: Neuboron Ltd., Nanjing, China.


I was involved in a project to develop a new Monte Carlo simulation software. The first part of the project is to calculate the neutron flux distribution of a point source at a specific volume in a vacuum environment. This part was done by me using Fortran alone, and it passed the error test relative to MCNP.


PhD, Engineering, University of Lancaster

MSc, Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors, University of Birmingham

BEng, Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, Lanzhou University

Current Teaching

CNENGR115 Computers and Control

CNENGR116 Fundamentals of Digital Electronics

CNENGR228 Digital Electronics

CNENGR300 Individual BEng Project

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