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Analysis of capture-recapture data

Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsBook

Publication date1/08/2014
PublisherCRC Press
Number of pages314
ISBN (print)9781439836590
<mark>Original language</mark>Undefined/Unknown


Written for researchers and graduate students in statistics, ecology, demography, and the social sciences, this book covers the many modern developments of capture-recapture and related methods. Capture-recapture methods are used to estimate the mortality and size of wild animal populations, and also have application in areas such as epidemiology and sociology. The book covers model formulation and applications, including the technicalities of model diagnostics and checking. The authors provide a wide range of real examples to demonstrate the complexities that arise when describing extensive modern data. The book contains 130 exercises designed to complement and extend the text and help readers to assimilate the material.