Export Date: 13 December 2018 CODEN: PRLTA Correspondence Address: Aaboud, M.; Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed Premier and LPTPMMorocco References: Susskind, L., Dynamics of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Weinberg -Salam theory (1979) Phys. Rev. D, 20, p. 2619; Arkani -Hamed, N., Cohen, A.G., Katz, E., Nelson, A.E., The littlest Higgs J. High Energy Phys., 2002 (7), p. 034; Schmaltz, M., Tucker -Smith, D., Little Higgs theories (2005) Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 55, p. 229; Kaplan, D.B., Georgi, H., Dimopoulos, S., Composite Higgs scalars (1984) Phys. Lett. B, 136 B, p. 187; Agashe, K., Contino, R., Pomarol, A., The minimal composite Higgs model (2005) Nucl. Phys., B719, p. 165; Hill, C.T., Simmons, E.H., Strong dynamics and electroweak symmetry breaking (2003) Phys. Rep., 381, p. 235; Del Aguila, F., Bowick, M.J., The possibility of new fermions with (Equation presented) mass (1983) Nucl. Phys., B224, p. 107; Aguilar -Saavedra, J.A., Identifying top partners at LHC J. 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