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Development of a genotype-matched Newcastle disease DNA vaccine candidate adjuvanted with IL-28b for the control of targeted velogenic strains of Newcastle disease virus in Africa

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  • Charlie F. Amoia
  • Augustino A. Chengula
  • Jean N. Hakizimana
  • Philemon N. Wambura
  • Muhammad Munir
  • Gerald Misinzo
  • James Weger-Lucarelli
Article number33
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>1/02/2025
<mark>Journal</mark>Veterinary Research Communications
Issue number1
Publication StatusPublished
Early online date25/11/24
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an extremely contagious and deadly virus that affects numerous bird species, posing serious threats to poultry production on a global scale. In addition to implementing biosecurity practices in farming systems, vaccination remains the most effective means of controlling Newcastle disease (ND). However, while existing commercial vaccines provide some level of protection, the effectiveness of these vaccines can be questionable, particularly in field settings where the complexity of vaccination program implementation poses significant challenges, especially against virulent genotypes of NDV. A genotype-matched NDV DNA vaccine could potentially offer a more effective vaccination approach than currently available live attenuated vaccines. By being specifically tailored to match circulating strains, such a vaccine might improve efficacy and reduce the risk of vaccine failure due to genotype mismatch. To develop an alternative vaccine approach, two ND DNA vaccines were constructed in this study. Each vaccine developed in this study contains the fusion (F) and haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) genes of a virulent NDV genotype VII isolate from Tanzania. Interferon lambda-3 (IFNλ3; IL-28b), which has demonstrated capacity to significantly enhance specific adaptive immune responses and decreased levels of inflammatory cytokines, as well as improved protective responses at a high viral challenge dose, was included in one of the developed vaccines. These plasmids were designated pTwist-F-HN-VII-IL28b and pTwist-F-HN-VII. The two plasmids differed in that pTwist-F-HN-VII-IL28b contained the cytokine adjuvant IL-28b. Transfection of cells and subsequent immunofluorescence assays indicated that both plasmids expressed high levels of NDV F-HN proteins. In vivo immunization demonstrated that chicks intramuscularly immunized with pTwist-F-HN-VII-IL28b exhibited significant immune responses compared to chicks immunized with pTwist-F-HN-VII or the commonly used LaSota vaccine (LaSota), which was used as a control. The protective efficacy of pTwist-F-HN-VII-IL28b was 80% after challenge with the highly virulent NDV strain ON148423, compared to 60% for chicks vaccinated using LaSota, and pTwist-F-HN-VII. The findings of this study indicate that IL-28b can be employed as a molecular adjuvant for NDV vaccines. This study represents a key milestone in Newcastle disease vaccine research, particularly in the development of a genotype-matched DNA vaccine candidate. Additionally, this study demonstrated that the combination of F, HN, and IL-28b elicits an efficacious immune response against virulent NDV strains.