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  • GC-COM-11-2021-004414_revised

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Directing the H2-driven selective regeneration of NADH via Sn-doped Pt/SiO2

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>21/02/2022
<mark>Journal</mark>Green Chemistry
Issue number4
Number of pages5
Pages (from-to)1451-1455
Publication StatusPublished
Early online date31/01/22
<mark>Original language</mark>English


H2-driven NADH regeneration has long suffered from low selectivity when non-enzymatic, particularly heterogeneous catalysts, are used. In addition to the unselective nature of the catalysts, the typically unmeasured NAD+ conversion has inevitably hindered catalyst development. Here we report Sn-doped Pt/SiO2 catalysts for the selective regeneration of NADH and show that doping Pt/SiO2 with 10 at.% Sn can deliver a selectivity of 90% (at ~100% conversion) using H2. We propose that this is a result of Sn disturbing the Pt ensemble, altering the mode of NAD+ adsorption and directing the reduction to the 1,4- position of the nicotinamide ring.