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  • DRS2020_Edge of Tomorrow-Designing Sustainable Edge Computing

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  • Stead_Gradinar_Coulton_Lindley_DRS2020_Edge_of_Tomorrow

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Edge of Tomorrow: Designing Sustainable Edge Computing

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date11/08/2020
Host publicationProceedings of the Design Research Society Conference 2020
Place of PublicationBrisbane
PublisherDesign Research Society
Number of pages23
ISBN (print)9781912294374
<mark>Original language</mark>English

Publication series

NameProceedings of the Design Research Society Conference 2020
ISSN (electronic)2398-3132


Vaunted as the next frontier within the scope of the Internet of Things (IoT), Edge Computing (EC) is seen as a means to improve efficiency and privacy across IoT infrastructures. This is because it enables data to be processed where it originates, that is, at the so-called ‘edge’ of the network, this being within, or close to, individual Internet-connected devices. Consequently, EC is considered more secure than conventional processing methods as data need not travel over networks to and from the centralised ‘Cloud’. We argue that EC optimisation might also offer credible benefits for environmental sustainability, particularly regarding decarbonisation by minimising data-distribution. To make this case, we outline the creation of two integrated design fictions which highlight environmental harms resulting from widespread Cloud data management, as well as envisioning potential future sustainability advantages of Edge-based processing. Based upon our process, we put forward an initial model for Sustainable Edge Computing.