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Effect of beam parameters on the non-linear performance in broadband helix TWTs.

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

Publication date04/2002
Host publicationThird IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 2002. IVEC 2002.
Number of pages2
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Research has been carried out which investigated the effect of the beam parameters on the nonlinear performance of a helix TWT across a specified broad frequency band. The beam parameters include the beam voltage (at constant DC power) and the beam radius. A large signal (1D and 2.5D) computer program was used for this purpose, which models the interaction processes in a helix TWT and generates transfer characteristics for a given design at specified frequency values. An intermodulation analysis software (IMAL 2-0) was also used to compute the nonlinear performance for multi-carrier signals.

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