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  • grushinaNatCommun2015

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Insulating state in tetralayers reveals an even-odd interaction effect in multilayer graphene

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  • Anya L. Grushina
  • Dong-Keun Ki
  • Mikito Koshino
  • Aurelien A. L. Nicolet
  • Clement Faugeras
  • Edward McCann
  • Marek Potemski
  • Alberto F. Morpurgo
Article number6419
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>3/03/2015
<mark>Journal</mark>Nature Communications
Number of pages7
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Close to charge neutrality, the electronic properties of graphene and its multilayers are sensitive to electron-electron interactions. In bilayers, for instance, interactions are predicted to open a gap between valence and conduction bands, turning the system into an insulator. In mono and (Bernal-stacked) trilayers, which remain conducting at low temperature, interactions do not have equally drastic consequences. It is expected that interaction effects become weaker for thicker multilayers, whose behaviour should converge to that of graphite. Here we show that this expectation does not correspond to reality by revealing the occurrence of an insulating state close to charge neutrality in Bernal-stacked tetralayer graphene. The phenomenology-incompatible with the behaviour expected from the single-particle band structure-resembles that observed in bilayers, but the insulating state in tetralayers is visible at higher temperature. We explain our findings, and the systematic even-odd effect of interactions in Bernal-stacked layers of different thickness that emerges from experiments, in terms of a generalization of the interaction-driven, symmetry-broken states proposed for bilayers.

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The article for which you have requested permission has been distributed under a Creative Commons CC-BY license (please see the article itself for the license version number). You may reuse this material without obtaining permission from Nature Publishing Group, providing that the author and the original source of publication are fully acknowledged, as per the terms of the license. For license terms, please see http://creativecommons.org/