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  • Interlinked Computing in 2040

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Interlinked Computing in 2040: Safety, Truth, Ownership and Accountability

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>5/01/2024
Issue number1
Number of pages9
Pages (from-to)59-68
Publication StatusPublished
Early online date25/09/23
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Computer systems are increasingly linked together, with systems controlled by different parties cooperating to deliver services. Such links offer both huge benefits and possible risks. Both the potential benefits and risks may be magnified as novel technologies such as Artificial Intelligence are integrated into these toolchains. What are these risks, and how might we begin to address them? Using a Delphi-based method, we interviewed twelve experts at envisaging technology futures to gain insight into likely trends, their impact on society, and how we might start to mitigate negative impacts. From the results, we highlight five forecasts, and six possible interventions that could help. The forecasts include major challenges related to Artificial Intelligence and system complexity, particularly where these involve interactions between independent systems. Addressing these challenges using the suggested interventions offers a good strategy to prepare ourselves for 2040.