Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide an innovative educational technology, which has become widely used for distance learning by independent learners. However, there has been little work so far to study the effects of using MOOCs as part of a blended classroom approach in which learning activities take place both online and in a traditional classroom setting. This study was conducted to investigate aspects of blended MOOC usage in the context of a computing course for first year undergraduates at a UK university. The MOOC was implemented on a purpose-built platform that supports learners to make informed choices about their learning path. This research investigates students' capacity for self-regulated learning (SRL) and to understand their preparedness for independent study, profile the general areas of SRL strength and weakness,
which may affect their ability to learn effectively in a self-directed environment. An existing survey
instrument, based on a six-dimensional conceptualization of SRL was adapted to investigate self-regulation in MOOC study. The results demonstrate that the dimensions of self-evaluation and time management represent particular areas of weakness for these students. Further, profiles of SRL for individual students show considerable differences in capability within the study. However, the deficiencies in SRL dimensions contrast with the students' generally high levels of attainment. This leads us to question the validity of the existing SRL. Further, a high level of social interaction and help seeking was reported in relation to MOOC study indicating the increasing importance of social learning and the importance of co-regulation for SRL.