The calibration of jet energy measured in the D0 detector is presented, based on pbarp collisions at a venter-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Jet energies are measured using a sampling calorimeter composed of uranium and liquid argon as the passive and active media, respectively. This paper describes the energy calibration of jets performed with γ+jet, Z+jet and dijet events, with jet transverse momentum pT> 6 GeV and pseudo rapidity range |η|<3.6. The corrections are measured separately for data and simulation, achieving a precision of 1.4–1.8% for jets in the central part of the calorimeter and up to 3.5% for the jets with pseudorapidity |η|=3.0. Specific corrections are extracted to enhance the description of jet energy in simulation and in particular of the effects due to the flavor of the parton originating the jet, correcting biases up to 3–4% in jets with low pT originating from gluons and up to 6–8% in jets from b quarks.