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Legible AI by Design: Design Research to Frame, Design, Empirically Test and Evaluate AI Iconography

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date31/12/2020
Host publicationCommon Good Framing design through pluralism and social values: Design as Common Good
PublisherSwiss Design Network
Number of pages18
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventDesign as common good

: Framing design through pluralism and social values
- SUPSI – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland Department of environment, construction and design, Switzerland
Duration: 25/03/202126/03/2021


ConferenceDesign as common good

Abbreviated titleDesign as common good


ConferenceDesign as common good

Abbreviated titleDesign as common good


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly ubiquitous. Implemented into a wide range of everyday applications from social media, shopping, media recommendations and is increasingly making decisions about whether we are eligible for a loan, health insurance and potentially if we are worth interviewing for a job. This proliferation of AI brings many design challenges regarding bias, transparency, fairness, accountability and trust etc. It has been proposed that these challenges can be addressed by considering user agency, negotiability and legibility as defined by Human Data Interaction (HCD). These concepts are independent and interdependent, and it can be argued, by providing solutions towards legibility, we can also address other considerations such as fairness and accountability. In this design research, we address the challenge of legibility and illustrate how design-led research can deliver practical solutions towards legible AI and provide a platform for discourse towards improving user understanding of AI.