Single crystals of coordination complexes that show mechanical motion under the influence of external stimuli are of great interest due to their applications in photoactuators, sensors and probes. The solid-state [2+2] cycloaddition reaction has been one of the most prominent chemical reactions for photoresponsive materials in recent years. However, a relatively limited number of compounds have been reported, and most of these compounds have only shown destructive photosalient effects. Here, we report two photoreactive Zn(II) metal complexes with a thiophene-based photoreactive linker, 2tpy (4-(2-(thiophen-2-yl)vinyl)pyridine). In addition, under photoirradiation these complexes showed flagella-like bending, first towards and subsequently away from the excitation light source. This is the first report of metal-complexes and the solid-state [2+2] cycloaddition reaction that presents flagella-like motion in single crystals.