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Nonlinear control by input-output state variable feedback pole assignment

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>06/2009
<mark>Journal</mark>International Journal of Control
Issue number6
Number of pages16
Pages (from-to)1029-1044
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This paper considers pole assignment control of nonlinear dynamic systems described by State Dependent Paramete (SDP) models. The approach follows from earlier research into linear Proportional-Integral-Plus (PIP) methods but, in SDP system control, the control coefficients are updated at each sampling instant on the basis of the latest SDP relationships. Alternatively, algebraic solutions can be derived off-line to yield a practically useful control algorithm that is relatively straightforward to implement on a digital computer, requiring only the storage of delayed system variables, coupled with straightforward arithmetic expressions in the control software. Although the analysis is limited to the case when the open-loop system has no zeros, time delays are handled automatically. The paper shows that the closed-loop system reduces to a linear transfer function with the specified (design) poles. Hence, assuming pole assignability at each sample, global stability of the nonlinear system is guaranteed at the design stage.