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Novel designs for undulator based positron sources

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date2012
Host publicationProceedings of IPAC2012
Number of pages3
<mark>Original language</mark>English


At least three proposed future colliders (ILC, CLiC and
LHeC) require a positron source with a yield greater than
1014 e+s−1. An undulator-based positron source has the
potential to provide the required yield. This design generates
gamma rays by using a high energy electron beam
traveling through a superconducting helical undulator. The
gamma rays then pair produce in a titanium alloy target to
produce positrons. This is the ILC baseline positron source.
Two drawbacks to the undulator-based positron source
are that it couples the positron source to the electron beam
operation and that it exhibits a low conversion efficiency
of photons to positrons. A self-seeding undulator-based
positron source has been proposed. This starts with a
low intensity positron beam which travels through the undulator
to produce more positrons which are recirculated
through the source to increase the intensity until the design
yield is achieved. Multiple targets can be added to
increase the conversion efficiency of the positron source.
In this study I present simulation results for such a design
and consider the feasibility of this design at the ILC, CLiC
or LHeC.