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Oxidative Stress Pathways Linked to Apoptosis Induction by Low-Temperature Plasma Jet Activated Media in Bladder Cancer Cells: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  • Hideo Fukuhara
  • Endre Szili
  • Jun-Seok Oh
  • Chiaki Kawada
  • Shinkuro Yamamoto
  • Atsushi Kurabayashi
  • Mutsuo Furihata
  • Masayuki Tsuda
  • Hiroshi Furuta
  • Howard Lindsay
  • Robert D Short
  • Akimitsu Hatta
  • Keiji Inoue
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>27/04/2022
Issue number2
Number of pages14
Pages (from-to)233-246
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Current methods used to treat non-muscle invasive bladder cancer are inadequate due to a high recurrence rate after surgery and the occurrence of adverse events such as interstitial pneumonia following intravesical instillation therapy. Low-temperature plasma is a new form of physical therapy
that provides a rich source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Oxidative solutions, created by pretreatment of aqueous media with plasma before application to target cells, lead to the destruction of cancer cells through oxidative stress pathways. This study focuses on the effects of plasma-activated media (PAM) in bladder cancer cells. PAM treatment increases oxidative stress that leads to cell cycle arrest and concomitantly depolarises the mitochondrial membrane leading to increased mitochondrial ROS production. Cell cycle arrest and increased mitochondrial ROS production led to an increase in caspase 3/cytochrome c activity, which might explain the induction of apoptosis in bladder cancer cells in vitro and in a bladder cancer tumour in vivo. These observations highlight the potential of plasma activated solutions as a new adjuvant therapy in the clinical treatment of bladder cancer.