True sources of quantum light, where the number of photons in a pulse can be precisely tailored, prove to be a valuable resource in many emerging technologies. These include quantum key distribution, metrology and sub-diffraction limited imaging. Using individual zero-dimensional nanostructures within a structure can allow devices such as quantum light sources, such as single photon emitters1 and high-fidelity entangled photon sources2,3 to be created. The majority of research into nanostructures for quantum light sources has been self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots. This system is, however, limited to low temperature operation. An alternate material system will be presented in this work, looking to overcome this limitation: GaSb/GaAs quantum rings. These heterostructures exhibit a type-II band alignment and have a very large hole confining potential. With its strong hole confinement the rings can emit light at room temperature. Results from micro-photoluminescence measurements on the dot system will be presented alongside scanning probe microscopy.