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Reflections on Assessment for Social Justice and Assessment for Inclusion

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

Publication date19/12/2022
Host publicationAssessment for Inclusion in Higher Education: Promoting Equity and Social Justice in Assessment
EditorsRola Ajjawi, Joanna Tai, David Boud, Trina Jorre de St Jorre
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages11
ISBN (electronic)9781003293101
ISBN (print)9781032274942, 9781032275031
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This chapter reflects on the connections and resonances between the broader concept of assessment for social justice and that of assessment for inclusion. It provides both a background for and a re-assessment of assessment for social justice and contextualises the important role of assessment for inclusion in moving this broader commitment forward. The chapter draws on empirical experiences from a large international project to demonstrate the challenges to moving closer to assessment for social justice. In this context, the significant role of the focused approach to assessment for inclusion is illuminated. The tension between holistic notions of inclusion and individual diversity is introduced to demonstrate the importance of both assessment for social justice and assessment for inclusion.