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Structural, optical and electrostatic properties of single and fewlayers MoS2: effect of substrate

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

Article number015005
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>20/02/2015
<mark>Journal</mark>2D Materials
Issue number1
Number of pages8
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


We have decoupled the intrinsic electrostatic effects arising in monolayer and few-layer MoS2 from those influenced by the flake-substrate interaction. Using ultrasonic force microscopy nanomechanical mapping, we identify the change from supported to suspended flake regions on a trenched substrate. These regions are correlated with the surface potential as measured by scanning Kelvin probe microscopy. Relative to the supported region, we observe an increase in surface potential contrast due to suppressed charge transfer for the suspended monolayer. Using Raman spectroscopy we observe a red shift of the E12g mode for monolayer MoS2 deposited on Si, consistent with a more strained MoS2 on the Si substrate compared to the Au substrate.

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