Impact and dissemination strategies are key subjects for debate within geography and academia more broadly. Drawing on our experiences of a qualitative study in Hull, where we worked with 46 children and young people to explore their experiences of long-term flood recovery, we describe and evaluate the evolution of a creative methodology for disseminating research results in tandem with non-academic audiences. Reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of this process, we draw three key conclusions: first, we highlight the importance of reciprocity in research. Second, we outline the role of dissemination in providing a means by which other topics can be discussed and explored. Crucially, we also argue that the impact agenda, though controversial, has the potential to provide positive benefits for those interested in working with rather than on research participants, provided researchers are attentive to developing appropriate processes and tools for dissemination. This is particularly the case for those working in children's geographies, where it is suggested that impact could pave the way for a more radical form of research that is able to address ‘bigger issues’ and audiences.