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Super tiny quartz-tuning-fork-based light-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy sensing

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineLetterpeer-review

  • Shundra Qiao
  • Pengze Ma
  • Viktor Tsepelin
  • Guowei Han
  • Jinxing Liang
  • Wei Ren
  • Huadan Zheng
  • Yufei Ma
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>5/01/2023
<mark>Journal</mark>Optics Letters
Issue number2
Number of pages4
Pages (from-to)419-422
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


In this Letter, a sensitive light-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy (LITES)-based trace gas sensor by exploiting a super tiny quartz tuning fork (QTF) was demonstrated. The prong length and width of this QTF are 3500 µm and 90 µm, respectively, which determines a resonant frequency of 6.5 kHz. The low resonant frequency is beneficial to increase the energy accumulation time in a LITES sensor. The geometric dimension of QTF on the micrometer scale is advantageous to obtain a great thermal expansion and thus can produce a strong piezoelectric signal. The temperature gradient distribution of the super tiny QTF was simulated based on the finite element analysis and is higher than that of the commercial QTF with 32.768 kHz. Acetylene (C2H2) was used as the analyte. Under the same conditions, the use of the super tiny QTF achieved a 1.64-times signal improvement compared with the commercial QTF. The system shows excellent long-term stability according to the Allan deviation analysis, and a minimum detection limit (MDL) would reach 190 ppb with an integration time of 220 s.

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© 2023 Optica Publishing Group. Users may use, reuse, and build upon the article, or use the article for text or data mining, so long as such uses are for non-commercial purposes and appropriate attribution is maintained. All other rights are reserved.