This piece is roughly inspired by the short story The night face up by Julio Cortázar in which a man driving a motorbike is involved in an accident and ends up in the hospital. In the middle of his hazy fever, he dreams he is a fugitive trying to hide from the Aztec Indians, who are active in their annual man hunt for the ritual human sacrifice. The short story alternates between the hazy environment of the hospital and the intense environment of the jungle and the sacrifice temple 'Teocalli'. The composition borrows from the story the idea of parallel narrative structures using as source material various percussion rhythms recorded in the streets of Mexico City, field recordings and interviews with Zapoteco Indians in various locations in Mexico. This work was conceived and composed while working as a composer in residence at the Visby International Centre for Composers in Sweden. The piece is dedicated to Xicotencatl Martinez-Ruiz and all the Mexican friends that helped me to collect the field recordings and interviews for this piece.