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  • Mario Escarce - Solato

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The Aesthetics of Disharmony: Harnessing Sounds and Images for Dynamic Soundscapes Generation

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

Article number399
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>4/10/2023
<mark>Journal</mark>ACM - PACMHCI CHI PLAY
Issue numberCHI PLAY
Number of pages34
Pages (from-to)665-698
Publication StatusPublished
Early online date29/09/23
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This work presents an autonomous approach that explores the dynamic generation of relaxing soundscapes for games and artistic installations. Differently from past works, this system can generate music and images simultaneously, preserving human intent and coherency. We present our algorithm for the generation of audiovisual instances and also a system based on this approach, verifying the quality of the outcomes it can produce in light of current approaches for the generation of images and music. We also instigate the discussion around the new paradigm in arts, where the creative process is delegated to autonomous systems, with limited human participation. Our user study (N=74) shows that our approach overcomes current deep learning models in terms of quality, being recognized as human production, as if the outcome were being generated out of an endless musical improvisation performance.