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The Saturated Moment

Research output: Other contribution

Publication date30/08/2006
DescriptionDance performance with electro-acoustic sound track
Number of pages0
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Based on Virginia Woolf’s The Waves, The Saturated Moment is a solo for a dancer with an original electro-acoustic sound track. It was choreographed by Nigel Stewart, danced by Dominique Bulgin, composed by Lisa Whistlecroft, and lit by Nigel Stewart with Mat Hale and Steph Sims. Produced by Sap Dance, the show was funded by the Artists’ Programme of Chisenhale Dance Space, London; the Research & Enterprise Fund of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Lancaster University. the show toured to Chisenhale Dance Space, London (30/08/2006, 26/11/2006); Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia (08/10/06); Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster (02/12/06); Workshop Theatre, Leeds (30/06/2007); and the Linbury Theatre of the Royal Opera House, London (20 & 21/11/2007).

Bibliographic note

This dance theatre work is the third of a trio of choreographed works. The works demonstrate how live movement and digital technologies can disclose and distil our experience of the natural world. The first was 'Night Side' (2001, rev. 2004), a duet which explored Justinus Kerner's (1786'1862) proto-Freudian ideas of the nocturnal side of human experience. The second work was 'Lune', a solo with digital scenography, which arose from a period of surveying, photographing and dancing over mud flats near the River Lune. 'The Saturated Moment' involved dance artist Dominique Bulgin and an original electro-acoustic score by Lisa Whistlecroft. It emerged from research into the novel 'The Waves' (1931) by Virginia Woolf. The work investigates the relation between literary analysis and Laban Movement Analysis. Specifically, Stewart used Choreutics, and Motif, Effort and Shape Notation to analyze the kinaesthetic content of the images and rhetorical devices with which Woolf describes each character's different reactions to the same events. By showing how fictional characters are both differentiated but also dissolved into each other by larger patterns of action and sound, and of how a single event can be seen cubistically from different perspectives, the work indicates how choreography, like Woolf's fiction, can produce an Husserlian understanding of time-consciousness in which each moment is 'saturated' by past, present and future impressions common to different characters. The Saturated Moment was funded and supported by the Artists' Programme of the Chisenhale Dance Space in London and was premiered at the Bratislava in Movement Festival 2006 to an international group of leaders in the field of Laban Studies (e.g., Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Valerie Preston Dunlop, Vera Maletic). RAE_import_type : Performance RAE_uoa_type : LICA