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The <i>XMM</i> Cluster Survey: An independent demonstration of the fidelity of the eFEDS galaxy cluster data products and implications for future studies

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  • D J Turner
  • P A Giles
  • A K Romer
  • R Wilkinson
  • E W Upsdell
  • M Klein
  • P T P Viana
  • M Hilton
  • S Bhargava
  • C A Collins
  • R G Mann
  • M Sahlén
  • J P Stott
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>3/09/2022
<mark>Journal</mark>Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number1
Number of pages18
Pages (from-to)657-674
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Abstract We present the first comparison between properties of clusters of galaxies detected by the eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) and the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS). We have compared, in an ensemble fashion, properties from the eFEDS X-ray cluster catalogue with those from the Ultimate XMM eXtragaLactic (XXL) survey project (XXL-100-GC). We find the redshift and temperature (TX) distributions to be similar, with a larger proportion of clusters above 4 keV in the XXL-100-GC sample; fractional temperature uncertainties are significantly larger in eFEDS compared to XXL. We find 62 eFEDS cluster candidates with XMM data (eFEDS-XMM sample); 10 do not have good enough XMM data to confirm or deny, 11 are classed as sample contaminants, and 4 have their X-ray flux contaminated by another source. The majority of eFEDS-XMM sources have longer XMM exposures than eFEDS, and most eFEDS positions are within 100 kpc of XCS positions. Our eFEDS-XCS sample of 37 clusters is used to calculate minimum sample contamination fractions of ∼18 per cent and ∼9 per cent in the eFEDS X-ray and optically confirmed samples respectively, in general agreement with eFEDS findings. We directly compare 29 X-ray luminosities (LX) measured by eFEDS and XCS, finding excellent agreement. Eight clusters have a TX measured by XCS and eFEDS, and we find that XMM temperatures are 25±9 per cent larger than their eROSITA counterparts. Finally, we construct LX - TX scaling relations based on eFEDS and XCS measurements, which are in tension; the tension is decreased when we measure a third scaling relation with calibrated XCS temperatures.