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Transformative Networked Learning: An Expanded Design Framework for Individual, Group, and Social Perspective Transformations

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

Publication date18/10/2023
Host publicationSustainable Networked Learning: Individual, Sociological and Design Perspectives
EditorsNina Bonderup Dohn, Jimmy Jaldemark, Lena-Maria Öberg, Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist, Thomas Ryberg, Maarten de Laat
Place of PublicationCham
Number of pages19
ISBN (electronic)9783031427183
ISBN (print)9783031427176
<mark>Original language</mark>English

Publication series

NameResearch in Networked Learning


There has been the growing effort within a research community of networked learning (NL) to re-define the notion of NL. Contributing to such a collective effort, the authors argue that there is a significant distance between the community’s political aspirations and everyday practices—subsequently, the com-munity has exclusively focused on the “network” part of NL while neglecting the “learning” part. The chapter demonstrates how the NL theory and associated design principles have failed to translate the criticality of macro-level critiques into micro-level design practices. To address this issue, the authors propose an expanded design framework for transformative NL, consisting of three levels of interconnected NL communities: (i) internal NL communities in online courses that aim to transform individual students’ perspectives, (ii) external NL communities in students’ real-life contexts that aim to transform group practice, and (iii) social NL communities in broader contexts that aim to transform social perspectives. Thus, the emphasis of transformative NL design should not be restricted to facilitating learner interactions and knowledge acquisition inside an online course but expanded to helping learners’ holistic development and leading to meaningful changes in their lives outside the course. The authors conclude the chapter by drafting new transformative NL design principles.