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Yayy! You Have a New Notification: Co-designing Multi-device Locative Media Experiences with Young People

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date24/07/2020
Host publicationThematic Area on Human Computer Interaction, HCI 2020, held as part of the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2020
Number of pages17
Volume12181 LNCS
ISBN (print)9783030490584
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventHCII 2020: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 19/07/202024/07/2020


ConferenceHCII 2020: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Abbreviated titleHCII 2020


ConferenceHCII 2020: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Abbreviated titleHCII 2020


This paper explores the involvement of young people in the design of mobile technologies that provide locative media experiences. The specific focus of this work was to understand how multiple devices (phones, tablets and smart watches) could be used within this context. Young people are prolific early adopters and users of mobile technologies. The motivation for involving your people was to gain insights into their ideas and preferences for multi-device usage within the context of locate media experiences. In this work we utilised a design technique specifically developed for use with young people in two design sessions. The designs were analysed in order to gather design insights for mobile technologies providing locative media experiences, and understand the use of multiple devices within the designs created. The key contributions of this work is design insights gathered from young people along with more general findings from running of the design sessions. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Bibliographic note

Conference code: 242229 Export Date: 10 August 2020 Correspondence Address: Fitton, D.; Child-Computer Interaction Research Group, University of Central LancashireUnited Kingdom; email: DBFitton@UCLan.ac.uk References: (2015) App Figures: App Stores Growth Accelerates in 2014, , http://blog.appfigures.com/app-stores-growth-accelerates-in-2014/; Bleecker, J., Knowlton, J., Locative media: a brief bibliography and taxonomy of GPS-enabled locative media (2006) Leonardo Electron. Almanac, 14 (3), p. 24; Cheverst, K., Turner, H., Do, T., Fitton, D., Supporting the consumption and co-authoring of locative media experiences for a rural village community: design and field trial evaluation of the SHARC2.0 framework (2016) J. Multimed. 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