Adrian Friday is Professor of Computing and Sustainability at Lancaster University. A Ubicomp pioneer, he has over 25 years’ experience developing, deploying and studying digital infrastructures embedded in everyday environments. His interdisciplinary projects focus on understanding how digital systems impact energy and carbon footprint, including: energy use in the home (EP/I00033X/1); thermal comfort using less energy; sustainable food choices (EP/K012738/1); sustainable transport infrastructure (EP/K012614/1), sustainable last-mile logistics (EP/N02222X/1; EP/S027726/1); and mining fine-grained industrial energy and contextual data using time-series statistical and ML techniques (EP/T025964/1). He is an advisor to the leading Ubicomp journal, IMWUT; and a member of the Royal Society ``Digital Technology and the Planet'' working group responsible for advising on policy for ICT toward sustainable digital society.
If you're interested in the systems or human factors concerning ubicomp, energy demand or computational sustainability, please do make contact. We're always looking for talented potential PhD students and RAs to join our team.
Interests in applying ubicomp sensing to conduct real world empirical experiments to uncover how everyday practices contribute to carbon externality and global warming, and how we might transform these using technological ubicomp interventions.
Academic Qualifications:
Doctor of Philosophy (1996)
1st Class B.SC. Hons in Computer Science (University of London, 1991)
Reader in Ubiquitous Computing and Sustainability (School of Computing and Communications), 2013-present.
Administrative Role:
Part 2 Tutor, Computer Science and Communications Undergraduate Programmes.
Professional Service:
Ubicomp Joint Steering Committee 2006-2013
Programme co-chair Ubicomp 2006, Pervasive 2009, Ubicomp 2014.
International expert panel member Ubiquitous Oulu UBI-Challenge Dec 2010-present
EPSRC college of peers, proposal reviewer 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012
Invited programme committee member for numerous conferences and workshops, including ACM MobiHoc 2005, ACM MobiSys 2006; ACM Ubicomp 2007-8, 2010-11; Pervasive 2007; PerCom 2006, 2011
- Expert reviewer: CHI 2007, 2009-13; ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI); IEEE Pervasive Magazine; ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing; IEEE Computer; International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI); ACM Transactions on Mobile Computing; Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SOSYM); Journal of Concurrency and Computation; IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine; Journal Networked Applications; IEEE Communications Letters