Home > Research > Datasets > Optical and structural properties of InGaSb/GaA...

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  • InGaSb_Datasets.xlsx

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  • database_nnp_SST2018.in

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Optical and structural properties of InGaSb/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy



This dataset contains data from the figures used in the paper. It also contains parameters from the nextnano material database that were used in the simulations. This database file has been amended from the original to improve legibility and to include additional simulation parameters. (Replaces earlier version of dataset 10.17635/lancaster/researchdata/238 which is linked below)
Date made available4/03/2020
PublisherLancaster University
Date of data production23/08/2018
Legal/ethicalCommercial constraints: Data in the file "database_nnp_SST2018.in" is subject to copyright. Express written permission has been provided by nextnano GmbH to allow the attached data to be displayed publicly.

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