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  1. Sofia Akel

  2. Dr Zoe Alker

    • History - Lecturer in Historical Social Data Science
    • Dr Sophie Therese Ambler

    • Dr Ian Armour

    • Professor Sarah Barber

    • Dr Michael Brown

    • Dr Lorenzo Caravaggi

      • History - Lecturer in Medieval History (1100-1500)
      • Nicholas Coombs

      • Dr Eleri Cousins

        • History - Lecturer in Roman History
        • Dr Baihui Duan

          • History - Lecturer in Environmental History
          • Melinda Elder

          • Professor Ian Gregory

          • Dr Timothy Hickman

          • Dr Jenni Hyde

            • History - Lecturer in Early Modern History, Associate Lecturer
            • Professor Gaynor Johnson

            • Dr Evert Kleynhans

            • Dr Katherine McDonough

            • Dr Mark McLay

              • History - Lecturer in 20th Century US History
              • Dr Hugo Meijer

              • Dr Alex Metcalfe

                • History - Senior Lecturer in History
                • Dr Cedrik Michel

                  • History - Lecturer in Late Roman / Medieval History (with Latin)
                  • Dr Thomas Mills

                  • Dr Marco Muresu

                  • Dr Selina Patel Nascimento

                    • History - Lecturer in the History of the Global South
                    • Dr Nathaniel Powell

                    • Dr Nicholas Radburn

                      • History - Senior Lecturer in the History of the Atlantic World 1500 - 1800
                      • Dr Krupa Rajangam

                      • Dr Miguel Rodrigues

                      • Dr Sarah Rose

                      • Professor Shijin Sun

                      • Dr Rodrigo Vega Sanchez

                        • History - Senior Research Associate in Digital Humanities and History
                        • Dr George Watson

                          • History - Lecturer in Roman History (Maternity Cover)
                          • Dr Bastiaan Willems

                          • Dr Alexander Wragge-Morley

                          • Dr Stephanie Wright

                          • Professor Marco Wyss

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