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Andrew Blake supervises 6 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Andrew Blake

Lecturer in Experimental Neutrino Physics

Andrew Blake

Lancaster University

Physics Building



Tel: +44 1524 595060

Research overview

My research is centred on experimental neutrino physics. I collaborate a number of large-scale neutrino experiments based at the Fermi Laboratory near Chicago in the USA. My interests include neutrino event reconstruction and the analysis of neutrino oscillation physics. As a collaborating scientist on the MINOS and MINOS+ experiments at Fermilab, I have published precision measurements of accelerator and atmospheric neutrino oscillations. In recent years, I have transitioned into the growing research and development effort using Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr-TPC) technology. I work on the MicroBooNE experiment, which became operational in 2015 and is the largest LAr-TPC detector in the USA. I am also a member of a collaboration that will construct and operate the Short-baseline Near Detector (SBND). MicroBooNE and SBND will measure neutrino interactions with unprecedented precision and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model of neutrino oscillations. Finally, I collaborate on the DUNE experiment, a future neutrino experiment currently in its design phase. DUNE will use Liquid Argon technology to conduct precision measurements of neutrinos using a new high-power beam. Its primary aim is to probe CP symmetry in the neutrino sector.


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