Home > Research > Researchers > Dr Cheryl Hawkes > Projects

Dr Cheryl Hawkes

Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience

  1. Characterisation of perivascular astrocyte heterogeneity in human brains

    Hawkes, C. (Principal Investigator)

    Alzheimer’s Research UK


    Project: Research

  2. Impact of paternal obesity on offspring brain structure and function; implications for Alzheimer's disease

    Hawkes, C. (Principal Investigator) & Dawson, N. (Co-Investigator)

    Alzheimer’s Research UK


    Project: Research

  3. Targeting perivascular innervation and vascular tone for improved clearance of ß-amyloid from the brain

    Hawkes, C. (Principal Investigator)

    Alzheimer’s Research UK


    Project: Research

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