Applied Social Science is an exciting and interesting area to work in. It is a window into society and I am constantly amazed at people's willingness to be involved in research and evaluation. Often as part of the research process I run participatory or training workshops during which I work alongside young people, youth workers, police officers, community representatives, local authority officers, health professionals, teachers and older members of society. Each has an amazing story to tell that gives life to data bases and base line monitoring figures.
Since gaining my doctorate in 1999 I have worked number of research projects. Over that time I have developed an interest in evaluation working with a variety of organisations from those in the statutory sector, including the Commission for Social Care Inspectorate, local authorities, the police and Youth Offending Teams, to the 'third sector' with NACRO, Rathbone Training and Children's Fund projects. As a researcher my interests are in community and partnership especially considering issues surrounding ethnicity, policing, education, health, transport, design and planning.
At present I am engaged in evaluation, consultation and training with the Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire Police Authority, Sure Start, and the Children's Fund.
Projects include:
Sure Start: Evaluation of the Ribbleton Sure Start Scheme
Sure Start: Evaluation of the Fishwick and St Matthews Sure Start Scheme
Barrow multi-cultural community centre (Children's Fund Project): Young People from Ethnic Minority Backgrounds
Local evaluation of the National Police Reassurance Programme for Lancashire Constabulary.