I am available for PhD research projects that take a critical approach to leadership, organizations, and/or business/society/ecology inter-relations. I am also interested in projects that adopt an interventionist as well as critical methodology, and projects that investigate alternative modes of social or organizational relationships. I am experienced in a variety of qualitative and mixed methods (primarily interviews, observations, artefact and critical discourse analysis), and am not qualified to supervise quantitative projects.
Doctoral Director (OWT)
Admissions Co-director MA in Human Resources and Consulting; MSc in Human Resource Management
Lecturer and tutor on MNGT320 - Rethinking Leadership
Lecturer and tutor on MNGT321 - Management and Business in the 21st Century
Tutor on MNGT200 - Management (and) Consulting: Practice and Critique
My research interests revolve around interpretative and critical perspectives on social and organisational development, co-ordination, and conflict. I have a particular focus on the forms and dynamics of leadership, organizing, and learning. At the core of this intellectual endeavour is an interest in the dynamic and multiply-tendential processes, moments and relations that comprise development, co-ordination, and conflict. In particular, I am interested in the cultural, political, economic, and ecological processes and relations that create, enable, and constrain co-ordination and conflict (for example, in relation to cultural processes – ideation, imaginaries, discourses, social learning, norms and modes of valuing; political processes - domination, legitimation, authority, and dispute; economic processes – reproduction, redistribution, and capitals; and ecological processes - generation, development, contest, synthesis, and decline).
My current research focuses include: organisational learning dynamics; leadership within alternatives; and domination.
My research is informed by critical theory, critical realism, and wider social, cultural, and organizational theory.