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Dr Ethan Wallace

Research student

Research overview

My research interests are within statistically analysing and modelling complex, non-stationary and often non-linear systems that cause severe economic damage or loss to human life, with emphasis upon environmental hazards, water-quality, infectious disease (predominantly water-borne), and broader-scale modelling and statistics.

PhD in statistical hydrology and hydrological modelling, titled: Quantifying and modelling flood-mitigation, drought-resilience and water-quality benefits delivered by grassland interventions in the Eden catchment (Cumbria, UK). 

PhD statistical and physical modelling techniques applied to each intervention:

Ch (4) Managed Moorland - Geostatistical modelling and generalised linear mixed-effects modelling.

Ch (5) Blade-aeration - Extreme value theory and peaks-over-thresholds analysis.

Ch (6) Hedgerow-margins - Control system (transfer-function) modelling.

Ch (7) Drystone-walls - Physics-based distributed hydrological modelling (Dynamic TOPMODEL), with statistical inference.  

Funder: Eden Rivers Trust and the European Union Regional Development Trust Fund via the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation (Project 50)

Supervised By

Dr. Nick Chappell
Dr. Wlodek Tych
Prof. John Quinton

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