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Henning Schomerus supervises 3 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Professor Henning Schomerus FInstP, SFHEA


Henning Schomerus

Lancaster University

Physics Building



Tel: +44 1524 593281

Research overview

My research aims to uncover quantum phenomena occuring for electrons and photons in small quantum systems, in particular involving topology, disorder and interactions, and dissipation.

This includes the study of topological phtonic systems such as lasers, topological insulators and superconductors, and quantum many-body systems.

PhD supervision

PhD research projects available:

Topological states of matter
Topological states in photonic systems
Many-body localization
Quantum optics of mesoscopic light emitters

PhD Supervisions Completed

Jake Arkinstall (2018)

Simon Malzard (2014-2018)

Macro Marciani (2017, Leiden, with CWJ Beenakker)

Diana Gradinar (2013, with VI Falko),

Christopher Birchall (2013) Statistical signatures of mesoscopic internal freedoms and PT-symmetry in microresonators

Marten Kopp (2011) Transport and escape in quantum dynamical systems

Research Interests

Quantum transport including graphene.— Nanostructures with normal, superconducting or ferromagnetic components possess a wide range of properties governed by quantum mechanics. Quantum transport is the field which explores and exploits these properties via conductance phenomena. In recent years, this field has received an enormous boost through the realization of graphene and related materials, including topological insulators. My research in this area focusses on the role of multiple scattering by disorder and interfaces. For graphene, I have made seminal contributions on chemical disorder, coupling to metallic contacts and quantum pumping (transport induced via parametric variations). Ongoing work addresses the effects of strain, the role of disorder in the quantum Hall effect of bilayer graphene, quantum pumping in topological insulators, and the question whether a recent groundbreaking experiment indeed provides unambiguous signatures of Majorana fermions. This research combines methods from scattering theory, random-matrix theory, semiclassics and phenomenology with exact numerics (e.g., based on the recursive Green function technique). Earlier work concerned the superconducting proximity effect, Anderson localization, and shot noise.

Quantum optics, microlasers and photonics.—Small-scale optical systems display intricate quantum effects which when controlled precisely open up applications in quantum information and precision sensing. In larger scale photonic systems, classical wave propagation can be manipulated to produce phenomena such as negative refraction, while microcavities and photonic crystals allow the tailoring of modes and dispersions for a wide range of practical applications. My research focusses on the interplay of amplification and absorption with multiple scattering, mostly applied to microcavity lasers where this interplay determines the mode formation, mode selection and quantum noise. The activities started with research on dynamics in disordered waveguides and then expanded into the quantum-optical treatment of mesoscopic and nonclassical light emitters and dielectric microlasers, as well as the semiclassical characterization of the modes in such systems. Current activities focus on photonic hybrid arrangements, especially those that combine amplification and absorption. I currently also explore the concept of topologically protected states (Landau levels and midgap states) in the photonic setting. Activities on polariton physics in collaboration with experimentalists in Sheffield aim at the electronics/optics interface in a setting where complex nonequilibrium electronic dynamics become important. Part of this work is integrated into the DFG Forschergruppe 760 (Scattering Systems with Complex Dynamics), where I am an external fellow.

Quantum dynamical systems, including atomic systems.— Quantum dynamics illuminates quantum effects in the time domain. This is particularly relevant for driven systems, but also can provide a useful perspective on stationary states. In this community, I am well known for my work on the fractalWeyl law (characterizing resonances in complex open systems), and in particular for the development of semiclassical approaches that apply to generic dynamics. Recently I have forged an EPSRC-funded alliance with atomic physicists at UCL and quantum chemists at Leeds, where we aim to merge these methods with other orbit-based methods linked to time-dependent DFT and the coupledcoherent-state method (CCS). My other research in this area informs the investigation of microcavity lasers and quantum transport mentioned above.

Research Grants

Lancaster PI of EPSRC Program grant “Semiconductor Quantum
Photonics: Control of Spin, Exciton and Photon Interactions by Nano-Photonic
Design, EP/N019210/1” (2016-).

PI of EPSRC grant EP/P010180/1 “Non-perturbative and stochastic approaches to
many-body localization” (2017-2020).

PI of EPSRC grant EP/J019585/1 “Orbit-Based Methods for Multielectron Systems in Strong Fields” (2013-2016).

Head of  EC Marie Curie Excellence Team “Nanoelectrophotonics” at Lancaster Physics Department (2005-2009).

Co-PI of EPSRC grant EP/E015336/1 “Semiclassical Asymptotics for Open Chaotic Systems” (2006-2010).

Web Links

Career Details

Professor in Condensed Matter Theory, Lancaster University, 2009 –

Reader in Physics, Lancaster University, 2005 – 2009

Head of EC Marie Curie EXT Nanoelectrophotonics, 2005 – 2009

Head of junior research group, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPIPKS), Dresden, Germany, 2000 – 2004

PostDoc, Instituut-Lorentz, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands, 1998 – 2000

Research assistant, Physics faculty, University Essen, Germany, 1994 – 1998

Research fellow, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan, 1993 – 1994


Dr rer. nat. (Essen, Germany, 1997)

Dipl. Phys. (Stuttgart, Germany, 1993)

Member of DPG (1994), Member of EPS (1994)

FInstP (2017), MInstP (2006)

SFHEA (2017)

Professional Role

Additional Roles:

Head of Lancaster Physics Theory Division/Major Research Group (since 2015)

Group Lead of the Theory Group (since 2017)

Member of Physics Strategy Committee (since 2009)

Member of Physics Research Commitee (since 2015)

Chair of Theoretical Physics Theme Group (2008-2011, 2015-)

Member of Postgraduate Admissions Committee (since 2015)

Member of Knowledge Exchange/External Engagement Committee (since 2015)

Member of Physics Promotions Committee (since 2010)

Admissions interviews (since 2006)

Physics Committee Meetings (since 2005)

Past roles:

UG Admissions Tutor (2014,16,17 entries)

Departmental panel member of EPSRC QTC visit (2019)

Departmental panel member of Review of Physics (2017)

Departmental panel member of Physics Periodic Quality Review (2017)

Departmental panel member of IoP Inclusive Learning site visit (2016)

Departmental panel member of CMA audit (2016)

Memner of REF2014 Strategy Group (2012-2014)

Degree Scheme Manager (MPhys with Theory, 2008-2014, and MSci Theo Phys with Maths, since 2011-14)

Member of Teaching and Learning committee, Student-Staff Consultative
Committee (2008-2018)

Moderator of 3rd and 4th year Projects and Dissertations (2009-2013)

Member of 2nd year exam committee (2010-2012)

External Roles

JSPS invitational fellowship (to commence in 2021/22)

CNRS Visiting Researcher Fellowship with University Nice, France (2017)

Fellow of the DFG Forschergruppe 760 Scattering Systems with Complex Dynamics (2007-2013)

Member of the APCTP topical program on Quantum Dynamics and Chaos (2008-2011)

Member of the IoP Theory of Condensed Matter committee (2006-2009)

Scholarship holder of the Studenstiftung des deutschen Volkes (1990-1993)

Current Teaching

PHYS223 Quantum Mechanics, PHYS483 Quantum Information Processing

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