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Dr Jekaterina Rindt

Lecturer in Marketing

Jekaterina Rindt

Charles Carter Building



Research Interests


Jekaterina Rindt researches strategic aspects of marketing in international business markets. Her research explores how firms deal with risk in global business-to-business interactions in the contexts of innovation and network governance. Her interdisciplinary approach integrates strategic marketing and legal perspectives. Empirically, her work draws on the integration of several qualitative research methods, including, among others, action research and the analysis of institutional devices such as industry standards, General Terms and Conditions, framework contracts and insurance agreements.

Jekaterina's research has contributed to the consultation of the British Ministry of Defence on "Innovation in complex organisations" (2021). Her work on the use of private rules in internationalv food retailer-manufacturer networks has also been cited in the UK Parliamentary Office of Science (POST) briefing report on "Food Waste" (July, 2024).

Research Grant Activity

Jekaterina secured the British Academy/ Leverhulme Research Grant to support the project on "Innovation Across Boundaries: Implementing Design Thinking Practices in Innovation Ecosystems and Policy Making". This research aims to close the practice-gap in the application of Design Thinking (DT) in complex, multi-stakeholder innovation management projects. The objective is to identify the challenges that business and policy-making organisations face when implementing DT practices in complex innovation management projects; and how these challenges can be overcome. The project outcomes offer strategic guidelines and tools that help businesses and policy-makers capitalise on the advances of DT to achieve a more sustainable and profitable innovation performance.

She recently secured the "Higher Education and Research in Management of European Universities" (HERMES) research grant to fund a research collaboration with the University of Pavia (Italy) on the governance and regulation of disruptive digital innovations.

Current Teaching

MKTG101 (Introduction to Marketing): Understanding Markets; Marketing and Managing with Big Data.

MKTG233: Digital Marketing (Module Leader)

MKTG301: Strategic Marketing (Module Leader)

Selected postgraduate teaching on the MSc in Marketing and Executive MBA (Digital Marketing; Big Data).

Delivery of the Marketing Module for the UK Government's "Help to Grow" SME programme.

Jekaterina has received the University Pilkington Award (2024) for excellence in teaching.

Professional Roles

Jekaterina is the Director for Recruitment and Admissions for the Marketing Department. In this role she secured the Dean's Award (July 2021) for outstanding success in undergraduate student recruitment.


BA in International Business Studies (International University/ Steinbeis Hochschule); MSc in Advanced Marketing Management (Lancaster University); PhD in Marketing (Lancaster University). 

Jekaterina is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and is a member of the UK External Examiner Directory.

PhD Supervision Interests

Jekaterina is willing to consider supervision of PhD students in the following areas: Risk and uncertainty in international business relationships and markets; network and transnational governance; institutional entrepreneurship; disruptive innovation management and regulation of emerging technologies and new markets.

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  • University of Pavia

    Activity: Business or School/HEI EngagementVisiting an external academic institution

  • CiviCon24

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference -Mixed Audience

  • CiviCon24

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference -Mixed Audience

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