Jennifer Logue is Honorary Professor in Metabolic Medicine, focusing her research and clinical practice on the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disease. She is employed fulltime as Senior Medical Director for Early Clinical Development Cardiovasular, Renal and Metabolism at AstraZeneca.
Her academic research focuses on interventions at the level of the individual with the aim of treating or preventing the complications of obesity. This includes interdisciplinary, mixed methods research to develop complex interventions, and pragmatic, efficient clinical trials utilising health record data. Her clinical work includes cardiovascular risk factor and weight management clinics.
Previously she was Associate Dean for Research for the Faculty of Health and Medicine at Lancaster University and Deputy Clinical Director of the NIHR North West Coast Clinical Research Network. She is passionate about capacity development for research in the NHS, local authorities and third sector organisations.
Dr Logue is happy to hear from potential PhD students interested in the treatment of obesity, developing and evaluating complex interventions, and utilising routine care records.
After completing her MD in the University of Glasgow's Department of Surgery, she was awarded a Chief Scientist Office/ NHS Education Scotland Clinician Scientist Intermediate Fellowship in 2011. She moved to Lancaster University in July 2019 with the aim of increasing the interdisplinary and cross-sectorial aspects of her research.
In early 2019, Prof Logue was selected to be part of the inaugural cohort of the Academy of Medical Sciences FLIER programme. This is an intensive leadership programme, developing leaders who can create collaborations across academia, industry, the NHS and government to drive innovation.
After her move to Lancaster, Jennifer led work (funded by NIHR) to understand the barriers to research in local authorities and is committed towards developing cross-sectorial collaborations to tackle the stark health inequalities in the North West of England.
She was Chief Investigator of the Surgical Obesity Treatment Study, a NIHR funded longitudinal cohort study of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in Scotland, and Scottish Lead for the NIHR funded study LENS (Lowering Events in Non-proliferative Retinopathy in Scotland). She was previously the clinical academic lead for the NIHR funded evaluation of the NHS England Low Calorie Diet Programme for remission of type 2 diabetes.
Building on several years of work in the field of weight management programme evaluation, having developed a core outcome and instrument set (Obesity reviews 2020) and intervention description template (Clinical Obesity 2020), in 2020 she received NIHR HTA funding as chief investigator for BE:COME (BEhavioural Weight Management: COMponents of Effectiveness). This individual participant data network meta-analysis uses trial and real world data to determine the effective components of behavioural weight management interventions.
Previously, she led a NHS-Pharmaceutical Industry joint working project evaluating the effect of practitioner education on weight management outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes (Small Talk Big Difference). She was a member of the scientific steering committee for the EU-funded SCORE-IT core outcome set development for trials in type 2 diabetes and an expert advisor for REBALANCE, a NIHR funded systematic review of the evidence base for the management of severe obesity.
Prior to taking up her role at AstraZeneca, Prof Logue was a member of a number of guideline and policy committees. She was a member of the NHS England National Obesity Audit Stakeholder Group and the Society for Endocrinology National Obesity Database Management Committee. She was a member of the World Obesity Federation Health Services Committee 2018-2020.
She was a member of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN) obesity guideline development group, writing the guidance on bariatric surgery. She was a member of the steering committee of Obesity Action Scotland, a committee of the Scottish Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and also the Scottish Government’s Diabetes Prevention Working Group.
Jennifer was the chair of the trial steering committee for Facilitated Group-based Specialist Weight Management (PROGROUP) funded by the NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research programme. She was a member of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme Clinical Evaluation and Trials Board from 2016-20.
As a passionate supporter of improving access to care for patients with obesity, Jennifer has made frequent media appearances discussing obesity, diet, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Member of the Royal College of Physicians 2006
Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists (Chemical Pathology) 2012
CCT in Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine 2012