I am a statistician with interest in developing statistical models that characterise the natural environment. My research to date has focussed on developing statistical methods in both an academic and industrial setting, I have predominately developed novel extreme value methods with a focus on applications in hydrology and oceanography.
I am a Senior Research Associate as part of the EPSRC funded project on The Role of Digital technology in Understanding, Mitigating and Adapting to Environmental Change project. My research focuses on how data science and statistical techniques can be used to understand environmental change.
I previously was a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate between the JBA Trust and the Mathematics and Statistics department at Lancaster University. The KTP project focussed on improving statistical models for flood risk assessment by accounting for issues in data availability and quality. During this post, I also provided scientific analysis for the Scientific Advisory Group of National Flood Resilience Review.
My doctoral thesis was a collaborative project between Lancaster University and Shell Global Solutions, the project focussed on developing statistical methods to predict the future extreme wave climate of the North Sea through utilising information from global climate models.