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Dr Stephen Page

Research student


I graduated from the University of Cambridge in June 2014 with a BA and MMath and after completing my MRes I am currently a PhD student with STOR-i at Lancaster University. I was previously an intern at STOR-i in 2012; my project concerned a variant of the travelling salesman problem. In 2013 I completed a research experience placement in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford studying volcanic time series.

My PhD is on sequential decision problems. In these problems we are faced with a series of similar situations and for each one we receive a reward by selecting an action based on what has happened so far. In particular I am interested in the case when we are given extra information about each situation which affects our rewards and how to work out what information is relevant when we have a lot of it. I am supervised by Steffen Grünewälder and Nicos Pavlidis.

Homepage: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/~pages/index.html

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