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The Goldenshluger-Lepski Method for Constrained Least-Squares Estimators over RKHSs

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>30/11/2021
Issue number4
Number of pages16
Pages (from-to) 2241 - 2266
Publication StatusPublished
Early online date31/08/21
<mark>Original language</mark>English


We study an adaptive estimation procedure called the Goldenshluger–Lepski method in the context of reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) regression. Adaptive estimation provides a way of selecting tuning parameters for statistical estimators using only the available data. This allows us to perform estimation without making strong assumptions about the estimand. In contrast to procedures such as training and validation, the Goldenshluger–Lepski method uses all of the data to produce non-adaptive estimators for a range of values of the tuning parameters. An adaptive estimator is selected by performing pairwise comparisons between these non-adaptive estimators. Applying the Goldenshluger–Lepski method is non-trivial as it requires a simultaneous high-probability bound on all of the pairwise comparisons. In the RKHS regression context, we choose our non-adaptive estimators to be clipped least-squares estimators constrained to lie in a ball in an RKHS. Applying the Goldenshluger–Lepski method in this context is made more complicated by the fact that we cannot use the L2 norm for performing the pairwise comparisons as it is unknown. We use the method to address two regression problems. In the first problem the RKHS is fixed, while in the second problem we adapt over a collection of RKHSs.