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Azimuthal Angle Correlations of Muons Produced via Heavy-Flavor Decays in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector

Research output: Contribution to Journal/Magazine β€Ί Journal article β€Ί peer-review

  • ATLAS Collaboration
Article number202301
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>17/05/2024
<mark>Journal</mark>Physical review letters
Issue number20
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Angular correlations between heavy quarks provide a unique probe of the quark-gluon plasma created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Results are presented of a measurement of the azimuthal angle correlations between muons originating from semileptonic decays of heavy quarks produced in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and 𝑝⁒𝑝 collisions at the LHC. The muons are measured with transverse momenta and pseudorapidities satisfying π‘πœ‡
T>4  GeV and |πœ‚πœ‡|<2.4, respectively. The distributions of azimuthal angle separation Ξ”β’πœ™ for muon pairs having pseudorapidity separation |Ξ”β’πœ‚|>0.8, are measured in different Pb+Pb centrality intervals and compared to the same distribution measured in 𝑝⁒𝑝 collisions at the same center-of-mass energy. Results are presented separately for muon pairs with opposite-sign charges, same-sign charges, and all pairs. A clear peak is observed in all Ξ”β’πœ™ distributions at Ξ”β’πœ™βˆΌπœ‹, consistent with the parent heavy-quark pairs being produced via hard-scattering processes. The widths of that peak, characterized using Cauchy-Lorentz fits to the Ξ”β’πœ™ distributions, are found to not vary significantly as a function of Pb+Pb collision centrality and are similar for 𝑝⁒𝑝 and Pb+Pb collisions. This observation will provide important constraints on theoretical descriptions of heavy-quark interactions with the quark-gluon plasma.